Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Are you interested in being taken on a magical adventure into the wizarding world? Are you curious about discovering the sport that is all the rage in this world and includes the use of broomsticks and snitches? Have you always wanted to know what it is like to have a pet owl? Well then let me tell you, this book is for you! In this first instalment of J.K Rowling’s best-selling fantasy series, we meet a young boy by the name of Harry Potter. Throughout the novel, we follow Harry on his journey from his ordinary life on Privet Drive, through Platform 9 ¾ as he discovers his extraordinary new life as a young wizard at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From run ins with trolls that have escaped from the dungeons, to three headed dogs that are guarding some great secret, this book will take the reader on a wild ride through their imagination, all while bewitching the mind and ensnaring the senses. Join Harry, Ron and Hermione and witness their friendship as it develops and gets tested, all while Harry discovers more about his past and what this means for his future as he navigates his life as a famous wizard. Be prepared to unlock the door to the most magical literary experience. Alohomora!

2 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling”

  1. This is such a great read AND a great movie. I have done a lesson on conflict and characterization and used Harry and Voldemort’s relationship as a useful example. I think this book is a great opportunity for students to get in touch with their creative sides. I think that the idea of magic is captivating for students and keeps them interested in the novel.

    Great overview of the novel. You did a good job to touch on main events, keep readers interested and invite readers to feel connected with the book!

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