All posts by yunseojj

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

In this fantasy fiction by Chris Colfer, a captivating narrative invites the readers to a magical Land of Story. The tale starts with Alex and Conner Bailey, twins who transport to the Land of Stories through a mysterious book given by their grandmother. The book blends adventure and humour, which stimulates the reader’s imagination. Throughout the story, the twins take on a journey around the Land of Stories, encountering different characters from traditional fairy tales. The unique part about this book is the inclusion of interesting background story for each fairy tale character, which adds an engaging and captivating source to the story. When I read this book, I experienced the excitement of thrilling adventures alongside the two main characters. I appreciated the references to the traditional fairy tales such as Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, and Sleeping Beauty that played a significant role in shaping my childhood. I highly recommend this book to those who enjoy enchanting fantasy story and want a nostalgic taste of classic fairy tales from their childhood.